Table 8.1. IBM Mode Control Codes. Dec Hex Symbol Function ____________________________________________________________ 0 00h NUL Follow 'B' and 'D' as terminator for tabs 7 07h BEL Sound buzzer for 1 second 8 08h BS Backspace Print Head one space 9 09h HT Horizontal Tabulation. Print Head moves to next Tab stop 10 0Ah LF Line Feed. Printer empties its buffer and does line feed at current line spacing and reset buffer pointer to zero. 11 0Bh VT Vertical Tab,or does single line feed 12 0Ch FF Advance paper to next logical Top of Form. 13 0Dh CR Carriage Return. Prints buffer contents and reset buffer character count to zero. 14 0Eh SO Turn on one-line enlarged mode to end of line unless cancelled by DC4 (14h). 15 0Fh SI Turn on Condensed Character Mode. Does not work with Emphasized mode. Stay until cancelled by DC2 (12h). 17 11h DC1 Selection of the printer (ON-LINE) 18 12h DC2 Turn off Condensed Characters and empties buffer. 19 13h DC3 Deselection of the printer (OFF-LINE) 20 14h DC4 Turn off one-line enlarged mode (SO only) 24 18h CAN Cancell all characters in printer buffer 27 1Bh ESC ASCII code for ESCAPE. Prepare printer to receive control codes. 14 OE SO Same as SO (14) 15 OF SI Same as SI (15) 33 21 ! Masler Select Format: '!', n (0<= n <=255) 35 23 # MSB control sequence cancel 37 25 % Select Download Character SET. Format: ,'%',(1)D,(0)D Select Download (RAM) ,'%',(O)D,(O)D Select ROM set 38 26 & Define Download Characters. Format:,'&'D c1 c2 a d1....d11 33<=cl<=c2<=126 for draft, 58<=cl<=c2<=63 for NLQ 42 2A * Select one of graphics densities Format: '*' m n1 n2 0<=m<=6,0<=n1<=255,0<=n2<=255 45 2D - Underline mode. Format: '_' n,n=(1)D set underline mode. n = (0)D clear underline mode 47 2F / Select a vertical tab channel. Format: '?' n, 0<=n<=7 48 30 0 Set line spacing to 1/8 Inch 49 31 1 Set line spacing to 7/72 inch 50 32 2 Set line spacing to 1/6 inch, Executer for ESC A 51 33 3 Set line spacing to n/216 inch 52 34 4 Turn italic mode ON 53 35 5 Turn italic mode OFF 54 36 6 Select character set 2 55 37 7 Select character set 1 56 38 8 Ignore PAPER END DETECTOR 57 39 9 Enable PAPER END DETECTOR 58 3A : Copy the ROM Character set to RAM Format: ':' (0)D (0)D (0)D 60 3C < One line unidirectional print. Print current line only from left to right 61 3D = MSB = 0 setting 62 3E > MSB = 1 setting 63 3F ? Reassign a graphics density Format: '?' s n,s=K,L,Y or Z, 0<=n<=6 84 40 @ Reset all special modes to power up state 65 41 A Set line spacing to n/72 Inch and is executed by ESC '2' code. Format: 'A' n, 0<=n<=85 66 42 B Set Vertical Tabs and reset current tabs. Format: < ESC> 'B' nl ..nk NUL, l<=n<=255, l<=k<=16 Terminate Tabs sequence with zero 67 43 C Set form length and reset Top of form Format: 'C' m, Set to m lines. 1<=m<=127 68 44 D Set Horizontal Tabs and reset current tabs. Format: 'D' n1...nk NUL 1<=n<=271,1<=k<=32 Tabs may range up to maximum width for character and printer size. e.g. Maximum Tabs for Normal characters is 135. Terminate Tabs sequence with zero 69 45 E Turn on EmphasIzed mode. Can't mix with Elite and Condensed modes 70 46 F Turn off Emphasized mode 71 47 G Turn on Double strike mode 72 48 H Turn off Double strike mode 74 4A J Set line spacing to n/216 inch for one lIne only and when recieved causes contents of buffer to print. Format: 'J' n, 0<=n<=255 75 4B K Set Bit image (8 pin) mode to 816 dots/line. Format: 'K' n1 n2 (Normal speed) 0<=n1<=255, 0<=n2<=255 n1 and n2 determine line length = n1+n2*256 76 4C L Set Bit image (8 pin) mode to 1632 dots/line. Format: 'L' n1 n2 (Half speed) 0<=n1<=255, O<=n2<=255 n1 and n2 determine line length = n1+n2*256 77 4D M Set ELITE size printing mode (12 cpi) (draft only) Cannot mix with NLQ, pica, or emphasized mode 78 4E N Set skip over perforation to n lines. Format: 'N' n, 1<=n<=127 79 4F O Reset skip over perforation to 0 lines 80 5O P Turns ELITE mode OFF, Returns to pica unless compressed mode is active 81 51 Q Set the right margin. Format: 'Q' n, where n is, 2.136 Pica 3.183 Elite 4.233 Condensed 4.272 Condensed elite 82 52 R Select an international character set by its country's number. Format: 'R' n, 0<=n<=10 83 53 S Set Superscript or Subscript modes. Format: < ESC> 'S' n n = 0(D) superscript, n =(1)D subscript 84 54 T Reset Superscripl and Subscript modes 85 55 U Continuous unidirectional printing mode. Format: < ESC> 'U' n,n =(l)D ON, n = (O)D OFF 87 57 W Continuous enlarged printing mode, Stay ON until turned OFF Format: 'W' n n=(l)D ON, n=(O)D OFF 89 59 Y Set Bit image mode to 1832 dots/line (Normal Speed) Format: 'Y' n1 n2, 0<=n1<=255, 0<=n2<=255 n1 and n2 determine line length = n1+n2*255 9O 5A Z Set Bit image mode to 3264 dots/line (Haif speed) Format: 'Z' nl n2, 0<=n1<=255, 0<=n2<=255 n1 and n2 determine line length =n1+n2*255 94 5E ^ Turn 9-pin graphics ON. Format: '^' a nl n2 a=0 single density (816 dots/line) a=1 double density (1632 dots/line) 0<=n1<=255, 0<=n2<=255 nl and n2 determine line length=n1+n2*256 97 61 a Set near justification format in NLQ mode Format: 'a' n, 0<=n<=3 98 62 b Set up to16 vertical tabs for channel m. Format: 'b' m n1 n2 .. nk NUL 0<=m<=7,1<=n<=255,1<=k<=16 101 65 e Set horizontal and vertical tab increments. Horizontal format: 'e' 0 n where n is the number of spaces and equals: 0.21 Pica 0.25 Elite O.36 Condensed Vertical format: 'e' 1 n where n is the number of line feeds 102 66 f Print spaces or line feed without carriage returns Horizontal format: 'f' 0 n where n is the number of spaces, 0<=n<=127 Vertical format: 'f' 1 n where n is the number of line feeds, 0<=n<=127 108 6C l Set the left margin Format: 'l' n 0.134 Pica 0.18O Elite 0.229 Condensed 0.268 Condensed elite 109 6D m Make available the european character set, which is stored behind the control codes at ASCII positions 128 to 159. Format: 'm' n n=0 Turn the european characters OFF n=4 Turn the european characters ON 112 70 p Set proportional spacing mode. Format: 'p' n n = 0 normal spacing n = 1 proportional spacing mode 115 73 s Select the print speed. Format < ESC> 's' n n = 0 Cancel half-speed mode. n = 1 Set half-speed mode 120 78 x Select draft or NLQ mode. Format: 'x' n n = 0 Cancel NLQ mode and selects draft mode. n = 1 Select NLQ mode 127 7F DEL Delete last character in printer buffer 128 8O NUL Same as NUL (0) 135 87 BEL Same as BEL (7) 136 85 BS Same as BS (8) 137 89 HT Same as HT (g) 136 8A LF Same as LF (10) 13g 8B VT Same as VT (11) 140 8C FF Same as FF (12) 141 8D CR Same as CR (13) 142 8E SO Same as SO (14) 143 8F SI Same as SI (15) 146 92 DC2 Same as DC2 (18) 148 94 DC4 Same as DC4 (20) 152 98 CAN Same as CAN (24) 155 9B ESC Same as ESC (27) Note: The high order conlrol codes (128 to 155) can not be used if the european characters are activated.